Time passes very quickly - just listen to the clock

WE have had many open-air meetings in around our towns and villages.

Gospel preachers standing in our streets with an open Bible reading God’s word, seeking to bring awareness and warn the nation of a far greater open-air meeting that is about to take place. It will have many striking features and will be entirely different from anything ever witnessed in this entire world.

Let’s consider the place of this meeting 1st Thessalonians 4v17. This is not on Earth or in Heaven, but “in the air”.

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Who will be present? Every blood bought soul of every clime and race including those who sleep in their graves their bodies will be changed and glorified bodies clothed and suited for Heaven. All denominational differences will then be gone and done for ever.

Who will be absent? Every unsaved, unredeemed person those who have depended on “dead works” instead of on Christ as the only Saviour of Sinners.

Acts 4v12 says, “Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under Heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.” What a reunion for all the believers. It will be a meeting specially appointed to meet the Lord” crowned with his many crowns will circle myriads of his redeemed ones.

I often think what it will be like to gaze upon that face once so marred more than any mans, but now radiant with glory. But the time and date no one knows when it is to take place. It could be this year perhaps this week or today.

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Time passes very quickly just listen to the clock, how quickly it ticks out the seconds! Remember every tick tells us of the rapid flight of time and the near approach of Eternity. Mark chpt13 tells us about coming afflictions v32 - That day and that hour knoweth no man; v33 - Take Heed, Watch and Pray. This great event is only known to our Heavenly Father.

Dear Reader let me ask one question – Are you ready if Christ was to come tonight, yes even in five minutes time? Behold now is the accepted time, tomorrow could by your cry too late. Be wise in the light of Eternity. John 14v3 – “I Will Come Again”.

If any dear reader requires any other literature or a (King James) Free Bible to verify and check that what I have written is true , please do not hesitate to contact the writer on 028 38 820874.

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